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About Pineville Independent Bible Church

Our Purpose and Vision

PINEVILLE INDEPENDENT BIBLE CHURCH EXISTS to exalt God by worshipping Him, by faithfully teaching His Word, by building up believers in the faith, by loving fellowship, by observing the ordinances of communion and baptism, and by the clear, bold proclamation of the gospel to the lost around the world.

In order to accomplish this mission, we acknowledge our complete dependency upon the Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:4,5), and our need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:16, 22-23; Col. 1:28-29). Our message and methods must remain true to the Scriptures that provide relevant, practical answers to man’s needs (1 Cor. 15:1-4; 1 Thess. 2:4-9; 2 Tim. 3:16-17), and our focus must be guided by eternal values (Rom. 12:2; 1 John 2:15; Matt. 6:33a; Mark 8:36).

Endeavoring to follow the apostle Paul’s example to “Proclaim Him (Christ), warning every man and teaching every man with all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus” (Col. 1:28), we commit to the following principles.

  • To pray for wisdom to reach the unsaved and to faithfully train those who are believers in Christ.
  • To faithfully proclaim the Word of God, presenting it as the inspired, sufficient, authoritative revelation.
  • To encourage every believer to be involved in an active ministry designed to meet the needs of our local assembly in a loving and caring manner.
  • To practice excellence in our ministry and worship to the glory of God.
  • To encourage growth in our local assembly both spiritually and numerically so that the body is being build up on a regular and ongoing basis.

A Brief History

THE FIRST SERVICES of Pineville Chapel were held in 1932 on the lawn of one of the local residents. A tent was erected the following summer and the services continued. In 1938 the old Community Hall was purchased and, after extensive renovations were completed, the building was dedicated on May 15, 1938.¹

We are an independent fundamental Bible church endeavoring to glorify God both individually and corporately. To accomplish this we meet together regularly for worship, fellowship and instruction in the Scriptures. We seek to share the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ in our community and throughout the world.

We support both local and foreign missionaries and conduct our own local outreach ministries. These include general visitation, children's ministries such as summer Bible school; and various nursing home ministries.

January 2014, Pineville Chapel merged with More-View Bible Church. The church has since changed its name to Pineville Independent Bible Church.

You are invited to fellowship with us and we trust the Lord will use us to minister to your personal and family needs.

¹ Additional history information is available.

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Additional History

What We Believe

Statement of Faith (2-page PDF)

Our Missions Program


© 2011-2015 Pineville Independent Bible Church